Author's posts
May 31
The gift of heart awakening
Quote from the book: ” Heart Awakening – Your path to unconditional love and healing ” – Raoult Bertrand The Gift of Heart Awakening Within the expression of Divine Love is a Divine plan for the restoration of peace on earth. This plan reveals itself everywhere we go, within everything we do, and within everyone …
May 30
The gift of heart awakening
Quote from the book: ” heart awakening – your path to unconditional love and healing.” by Raoult Bertrand The Gift of Heart Awakening The primary purpose of Heart Awakening sessions is to help people open their hearts. The single most important need for mankind at this time is to learn how to shift out of …
May 23
Heart Awakening energy healing strengthens the will to love
I want to discuss a particular type of energy healing session in the aura that helps a person strenghen their ability to love. When a person comes for a private heart awakening session, we are often working on key issues around their ability to love and be loved. This could relate to a specific personal relationship, a family member, …
May 10
Healing school – energy healing in the aura
In a Heart Awakening School of Healing course, one of the most fascinating areas of learning is the energy work portion of the heartawakening session. The energy work serves to realign the energy field in a person’s aura, and, most importantly unlock core mental and emotional patterns that have long awaited release. These thoughts and patterns can be …
May 07
The Fourth Tenet – The Truth of Impersonality
The fourth Tenet: The truth of impersonality The fourth tenet is called the Truth of Impersonality. This tenet points us to a perspective on human experience that radically transcends the personal sphere of the separate ego. The truth of impersonality compels us to begin to make the effort to see every aspect of our own …
May 03
3rd , 4th , 5th dimensional chakra rotation
Want to really make a quantum jump in your evolution? 1.Third dimension chakra rotation Male 1st chakra cw 2nd chakra ccw 3rd chakra cw 4th chakra ccw 5th chakra cw 6th chakra ccw 7th chakra cw Female: 1st chakra rotation ccw 2nd chakra rotation cw 3rd chakra rotation ccw 4th chakra rotation cw 5th chakra …
May 03
Divine intelligence, will and love
Divine Intelligence Divine Will Divine Love These are the three tools that your consciousness uses to create your reality. Observe how you and others think and speak. Are these three in balance? Reflect on each one. What is the difference between intelligence and Divine Intelligence, will and Divine Will, love and Divine Love? Each has a …
Apr 28
The First Tenet – Clarity of Intention
The first tenet is called the Clarity of Intention, and it places the outcome of the spiritual quest directly in your own hands. In the teaching of Evolutionary Enlightenment, each individual is ultimately responsible for his or her own higher development. You may say that you want to evolve, that you want to become spiritually …
Apr 22
Breath and the Four Elements
Did you know that different breaths relate to the different elements? To purify the Earth element in you body, breath in through the nose and out through the nose To purify the Water element in your body, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. To purify the Fire element in your body, …
Apr 22
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