Quote: Heart Awakening – You Path to Unconditional Love and Healing.” By Raoult Bertrand Your own path to freedom. Once you discover your own path to freedom, once you rediscover your real Self, you will always have the power to focus on things that are true to your soul’s purpose. You’ll know that whatever you …
Tag: Healing School
Jul 14
You can be Free
Quote from the book: ” Heart Awakening – Your Path to Unconditional love and Healing.” by Raoult Bertrand You can be free Heart Awakening is the most powerful transformational experience I know. It is so rich, so inspiring, that it feeds the deepest needs of the soul’s desire for self-expression and liberation. It answers the …
Jul 13
Your Spiritual Goals are Supported
Quote from the book: ” Your path to Unconditional Love and Healing- by Raoult Bertrand Your spiritual goals are supported Many people who receive Heart Awakenings already have their own spiritual or religious faiths. Yet, through Heart Awakening, these people have found they are able to experience a depth of Divine Love and truth that …
Jul 11
What Heart Awakening Has to Offer you
Quote from the Book: ” Heart awakening- Your Path to Unconditional Love and Healing.” By Raoult Bertrand What Heart Awakening has to offer you: By laying the personality self and its judgments and expectations aside, you open up to the enormous potential of what Heart Awakening has to offer you. It is important to accept …
Jul 11
Life’s Spiral Dynamic
Life’s Dynamic Spiral a Brief Introduction to SDi (Spiral Dynamics Integral) by Rosemary Wilkie With the best will in the world, it is sometimes hard to understand why people think the way they do. How can she believe this? How can he think that? They must be mad, bad or very stupid . . …
Jul 09
All that happens, happens for a reason.
Quote: “Heart awakening – Your Path to Unconditional love and Healing.” – by Raoult Bertrand All that happens, happens for a reason. When we begin to acknowledge and accept that we are much more than our ego, and that each and every event in our lives has a meaning we can understand from the soul …
Jul 07
You are held in Love
Quote from the book: ” Your Path to Unconditional love and Healing.” by Raoult Bertrand You are held in Divine Love During a session, the Heart Awakener creates a safe space where you are held in Divine Love. For most of us, this is a first-time experience – to be in the unconditionally loving presence …
Jul 06
Seperating from your ego
Quote from the book: ” Heart Awakening – Your Path to Unconditional Love and Healing.” by Raoult Bertrand Separating From Your Ego There is so much to learn on the journey to wholeness. The ego has many tricks designed to preserve itself. But you must remember that you are not your ego. The function of …
Jul 05
Rediscovering Your Wholeness.
Quote from the book: ” Heart Awakening – Your Path to unconditional love and healing.” Rediscovering Your Wholeness On one level, you may think you know what needs healing. However, a person’s perception of the real problem often turns out to be just a surface issue, and the real issue reveals itself as the session …
Jul 05
Rediscovering Your Wholeness
Quote from the book : Heart Awakening – Your path to Unconditional Love and Healing – by Raoult Bertrand Rediscovering Your Wholeness Sometimes people don’t understand why they decided to come for a Heart Awakening session. It is a prompting from Spirit that brings you to a session, rather than anything you know or don’t …