Quote from the book: ” Heart Awakening – Your Path to Unconditional love and Healing.” by Raoult Bertrand
You can be free
Heart Awakening is the most powerful transformational experience I know. It is so rich, so inspiring, that it feeds the deepest needs of the soul’s desire for self-expression and liberation. It answers the deepest prayers of the heart.
Whether you get there by yourself or through a session does not matter. What is important is that you discover the quality of this energy of Divine Love that resides within your inner Self and connect with it so that you can be free. It is at this point when personal power and Divine power become One – a truly surrendered state wherein your ego personality is released and the real You becomes reborn. To touch this nectar and reach this space even once, forever changes all levels of your being. You will never be the same. ~Raoult