In a Heart Awakening School of Healing course, one of the most fascinating areas of learning is the energy work portion of the heartawakening session. The energy work serves to realign the energy field in a person’s aura, and, most importantly unlock core mental and emotional patterns that have long awaited release. These thoughts and patterns can be felt and found in the subtle bodies that surround the body. A major portion of the study is to learn how to identify and unravel the energetic imprint of these thoughts and feelings. Energy follows thought, and many life experiences carry much energy behind them. Often deeply buried, these life experiences are later found to be the orginal issue behind many physical mental emotional and psychological problems. Even medical issues have an associated mental emotional pattern behind them.
There are many good road maps that discuss the different types of mental and emotional conditions associated with different parts of the physical body. One example is Louise Hay’s ” Heal your body.” Others include conventional Hindu or Chinese texts on what issues go with each chakra or organ or gland. The heart chakra goes with love, fear goes with kidneys, liver with anger etc. Although these models are part of our background study, the awakener does not rely on these models. In an awakening there is a very specific flow and movement of energy that feels very harmonious and natural. The awakener’s “helping hands” glides through the client’s energy and, by linking in, through practice, “sees” or ” reads” the specific pattern or issue that is locked in the energy body itself. It is as though the energy body wakes up and “speaks” to the awakener. All information that is obtained can come directly from the client’s energy field.
For example he/ she can link in to the liver area, and feel the actual memory of the emotions held in it. Each of the many different emotions have a very specific feeling in the aura. Training includes the energetic study of these emotions. When scanning the field everything is energy information.
The “buried” information will also contain details about what foods or toxins have been held there for some time. The effects of nutrition can be read. The effects of medication, drugs and alcohol reveal themselves one after the other. A neck that continuously goes out can be perceived from the level of thought and energy. An awakener’s job is not only to re-balance a person’s energy field, but to help identify the very specific manner in which underlying emotions have led to physical challenges. Body mind and spirit are one. The healing art evolves as the ability to read the energy information progresses, until one learns to spiritually “see” a person’s full healing. For many, this is what brings the fullfilment of their heart and soul’s desire for very high levels of spiritual mastery in their healing work for others.
A heartawakener perceives and feels the evolving soul essence, which is always in perfection. At the same time helps dissolve the accumulation of energetic charge behind painful life experiences. In that energy field is the sum total of a person’s life experience. An Awakener can help realign a person into their natural soul essence. A place from which healing takes place on the deepest levels. The Heart Awakening School of Healing can help a person gain the much needed claivoyant gifts to be able to ” read ” this information. An awakener’s training is the gradual learning of how to master the living energy field. – For self and for others.
With practice and patience everything in the field can be worked on. This opens the door to getting the much needed depth and accuracy of information on ourselves and our healing that is vital to our wellbeing and our future.
Happy heart awakenings!