3rd , 4th , 5th dimensional chakra rotation

Want to really make a quantum jump in your evolution?

1.Third dimension chakra rotation


1st chakra     cw

2nd chakra   ccw

3rd chakra     cw

4th chakra    ccw

5th chakra     cw

6th chakra   ccw

7th chakra   cw


1st chakra rotation   ccw

2nd chakra rotation cw

3rd chakra  rotation  ccw

4th chakra rotation   cw

5th chakra rotatio    ccw

6th chakra  rotation  cw

7th chakra rotation ccw

2. In a fourth dimension  chakra rotation, all chakras for both male and female rotate clockwise as you look at the body from the front.

As you look from the rear of the body, the rear chakras also rotate cw

Male and female:

1st chakra  cw

2nd chakra cw

3rd chakra cw

4th chakra cw

5th chakra cw

6th chakra cw

7th chakra cw

3. In a 5th dimension chakra rotation, the energy flowing through the chakras comes in from the back and continues it’s clockwise rotation through the front chakras

As you look at a person  from the back:

1st chakra  cw

2nd chakra cw

3rd chakra  cw

4th chakra  cw

5th chakra cw

6th chakra cw

7th chakra cw

Since the rotation of each chakra defines the level of awarenes that a person perceives their life through, Multidimensional chakra balancing can help a  person make  a quantum evolutionary jump.

( Heart Awakeners are trained to balance the chakras in any dimension and help  a person understand what life is like in each of these dimensions.)

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