Heart Awakening School of Healing
Sponsored by:
The Helping Hands of Maricopa County
A spiritual, educational, non-profit organization
Please read the following standards and policies carefully before submitting your application to the Heart Awakening School of Healing. It is vital that you understand the high standards of the school you are applying to and the integrity of behavior that will be asked of you as a spiritual healer.
The Heart Awakening program requires a serious commitment on the part of the student. Students are asked to conduct their personal lives in and out of the school with a high degree of personal integrity. Spiritual healing requires adherence to the highest standards of personal excellence. It is essential to live what we are asking to become. Throughout the program, it is necessary for teachers and students to maintain love, truth, and wisdom.
In other words, you are committing to a lifestyle standard as well, which goes beyond just participating in the school. We ask this of you for several reasons. First, you get as much out of something as you put into it and the curriculum is designed to take you beyond just learning a skill set. Secondly, due to the nature of the work we enter into an interconnected space where one person’s vibrational state affects the groups vibrational state. It is important both for your own growth and the growth of your fellow students that you support each other by striving for the highest vibration possible.
Program Standards
All Heart Awakening participants are asked to follow these standards of behavior:
* Acceptance of the concept that you are responsible for creating your own experience of reality
* Awareness that you are sharing an existence with others who are experiencing their own life journey in their own unique individual way.
* A commitment to participating with others in a way that contributes to their well-being.
* A commitment to using spiritual energy only in ways which will contribute to the well being of others and not for any negative intention or selfish manipulation. You agree to use these energies to be of service to humanity and the healing of the planet either actively or passively by simply holding a high vibrational state within yourself.
* An agreement not to take drugs during your participation in the program, unless prescribed by a physician.
* An agreement not to use alcohol at all during the school week and not in excess at other times
* An agreement to maintain a healthy diet and take care of your physical body
* An agreement to maintain confidentiality. (Read Spectrum of Confidentiality).
* An agreement to keep financial commitments to the school.
* An agreement to arrive at each course prepared to start at the scheduled time.
* An agreement to immediately advise Student Liaison or Lead Instructor of any significant change in physical, emotional or mental well being.
* An agreement that all teachings are held confidentially for personal use only unless you receive express written permission from the Program Director. This is to ensure that you do not disseminate partially understood material.
Spectrum of Confidentiality
There is a wide spectrum of confidential behavior. It ranges in the lower end to gossip, saying anything about anyone at any time to the high end, when you never talk about others, but only about yourself and your own experiences.
There are times when discussing others is useful and necessary, such as teachers discussing the progress of students with each other or , in certain cases, with the group for educational purposes. This discussion may include any aspect of the school activity including the private sessions and the pod group discussions. It will always be done gently without judgment and in love for the purposes of growth.
In general, it is useful to discuss issues that come up with your client during a session with your Pod leader. However, it is not necessary or constructive to talk about people and what is going on with them. In other words, what happens in a session stays in the session because even in the course of learning people will still be healing from very real and personal issues. What is valuable in conversation is talking about your personal experience and asking questions related to your performance and mastery of the skills not talking about others behind their backs. The deciding factor should be the intention behind a discussion about another person. Ask yourself “Why am I saying this? Does my talking about them contribute to my own well-being and theirs?” During courses, the more an understanding of confidentiality is maintained, the more students can feel safe to fully express their personal issues. We encourage you to practice a high level of confidentiality during the school courses so you are fully prepared to create a safe and secure environment for your clients in your own healing practice.
I agree to maintain the standards of the Heart Awakening programs and understand that failure to comply is grounds for dismissal or suspension at the sole discretion of the Heart Awakening Staff, if such non-compliance is deemed necessary for the best interests of the school or the students.
The student understands the School of Heart Awakening requires each student to have at least one private Heart Awakening session with Raoult Bertrand. In addition, each student is required to have a minimum of 3 individual private Heart Awakening healing sessions in total with a certified Heart Awakening practitioner, evenly spaced during each school year. This amounts to one session every other month during the course of the program and is included in the school cost. This support is essential for the student’s personal process work.