Quote from the book: ” Heart Awakening – Your path to unconditional love and healing” by Raoult Bertrand
My Spiritual Search
I saw in an instant the futility of the life I was living – an endless pursuit of meaningless accomplishments. The fullness of the revelation broke upon consciousness, and I reached down into the depths of my soul as far as I could feel. Suddenly I felt myself forming a determination that was deeper and more resolved than anything I had every done in my life. I now knew that I would never be content to live as I had in the past. With the purest and most sincere intention that I have ever formed in my life, I found myself saying, “No matter what may have happened in the past or will happen in the future, I now commit fully and wholly to a life based on love instead of fear – no matter what the consequences.” In that moment I completely and irrevocably committed my life to the path of unconditional love – and Heart Awakening was born. ~Raoult
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